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  • Mobile: +49 (0)30 266 42 6902
  • Address: Institut für Museumsforschung, In der Halde 1, 14195 Berlin

Kathrin Grotz, M.A.

is a Principal Investigator (PI), lives in Berlin, and works as a curator, conducting research into natural history collections, their objects and collectors, and as a museum studies scholar, focusing on the genesis and transformation of museum landscapes.

Since 2020, Kathrin Grotz has been Acting Director of the Institut für Museumsforschung of the Staatliche Museen zu Berlin – Preußischer Kulturbesitz. Her current research focuses on innovative formats for conveying knowledge and scholarship, museum evaluation, and audience research, as well as the circulation of collections and objects, with a focus on natural history. She is interested in the most recent historical transformations that have taken place in the German museum landscape. Moreover, she conducts the Statistical Survey for all German Museums. She previously spent almost two decades working at the Botanic Garden Berlin and Botanical Museum Berlin of the Freie Universität Berlin, where, as Head Curator and Exhibition Director, she was responsible for organizing numerous exhibitions and conducted research into the role played by models and dioramas in knowledge transfer and in the history of science. She studied modern history, anthropology, and political science at the universities of Heidelberg and Albuquerque, New Mexico, and completed a research traineeship at the Reiss-Engelhorn Museen in Mannheim.


Kathrin Grotz and Patricia Rahemipour, “MUSEUM: Eine empirische Perspektive auf Facetten einer Institution,” Thüringer Museumshefte 1 (2021), 9–16, Link

Kathrin Grotz and Patricia Rahemipour, “Von Zahlen die zählen. Daten zur Sammelpraxis und -strategie in der deutschen Museumslandschaft,” Museumskunde: Fachzeitschrift für die Museumswelt 85 (2020), 4–13.

Kathrin Grotz, “Botanical Dioramas – Just beautiful?” in Natural History Dioramas: Traditional Exhibits for Current Educational Themes, ed. by A. Scheersoi and S. D. Cham Tunnicliffe (Berlin: Springer, 2019), 89–98, Link

Kathrin Grotz et al., “The World’s Tallest Plants in a Single Glasshouse: Creating a Utopian Virtual Reality Diorama,” Journal of Digital Landscape Architecture 1 (2016), 118–124,

Kathrin Grotz and H. W. Lack, “Aus jenem Lande können wir alles brauchen: Die botanischen Sammlungen von Friedrich Sellow im Botanischen Museum Berlin-Dahlem,” in Die Erkundung Brasiliens: Friedrich Sellows unvollendete Reise, ed by H. Zischler et al. (Berlin: Galiani, 2013), 220–229.
