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Prof. Dr. Patricia Rahemipour

is a Principal Investigator (PI) in the joint project “Museums and Society – Mapping the Social.” She lives and works in Berlin. As a cultural studies scholar, she is interested in anything that has to do with objects. In particular, she focuses on museums as spaces for objects and people.

Prof. Rahemipour studied pre- and protohistoric archaeology, classical archeology, and philosophy. She gained her first experience as the head of the teaching collection at the department of Prehistoric and Protohistoric Archaeology at the Universität Leipzig. She has worked as a Project Manager and Head Curator at the German Archaeological Institute and in the excellence cluster Topoi. After spending two years working at the German Archaeological Institute and at the Jewish Museum Frankfurt, she switched to the Botanic Garden Berlin in 2014, where she assumed the role of Director of the Berlin Botanic Garden and the department of Science Communication in 2016. Since September 2019, she has been Director of the Institut für Museumsforschung at the Staatliche Museen zu Berlin – Preußischer Kulturbesitz, and Chair of the Landesverband der Museen zu Berlin.

Her research focuses on the history of museums and collections. We cannot understand the emergence of collections, focusing in particular on aspects that span collections, in isolation from actors – neither back then nor today. Since 2017, she has regularly opened the Salon KOSMOS, where interested parties can talk about research projects being carried out on collections. As Director of the institute, she also works on the threshold between universities, museums, and facilities outside the university. She conducts research with and into museums, in particular on the materialization of the immaterial and emotions in museums.


Patricia Rahemipour and Kathrin Grotz, “MUSEUM: Eine empirische Perspektive auf Facetten einer Institution,” Thüringer Museumshefte 1 (2021), 9-16, Link

Patricia Rahemipour and Kathrin Grotz, “Von Zahlen die zählen: Daten zur Sammelpraxis und -strategie in der deutschen Museumslandschaft,” Museumskunde: Fachzeitschrift für die Museumswelt 85 (2020), 4–13.

Patricia Rahemipour and Katrin Grotz, “Wie Wissen wächst: Alexander von Humboldt, ein Album amicorum und die Pflanzen,” in Wilhelm und Alexander von Humboldt: Katalog zur gleichnamigen Ausstellung im Deutschen Historischen Museum, ed. by D. Blankenstein, B. Savoy, R. Gross, and A. Scriba (Darmstadt: Theiss, 2019), 65–74.

Patricia Rahemipour, S. Bartoli, M. Clausen, S. Linden, K. Grotz, Å. Sonjasdottir, F. Wüst, Licht Luft Scheisse: Perspektiven auf Ökologie und Moderne/Perspectives on Ecology and Modernity. (Vol. 1, Archäologien der Nachhaltigkeit / Archaeologies of Sustainability; vol. 2, Aus den Ruinen der Moderne wachsen / Growing from the Ruins of Modernity; vol. 3, Über Natur / About Nature) (Hamburg: adocs, 2020).