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  • Address: Technische Universität, Institut Für Kunstwissenschaft Und Historische Urbanistik, Straße des 17. Juni 150/52, Sekr. A 56, 10623 Berlin

Dr. Lukas Fuchsgruber

is an art historian, lives in Berlin, and is conducting postdoctoral research into digital image worlds.

Since 2020, Lukas Fuchsgruber has been working at the Technische Universität Berlin as a postdoctoral researcher in the joint project “Museums and Society – Mapping the Social.” Before that, he was a postdoctoral researcher at the Germanisches Nationalmuseum in Nuremberg and at the Technische Universität Berlin. He received a PhD scholarship from the Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes and was a member of the German-French doctoral training group “Unterschiede Denken”.

In 2021, he published his book on the auction house Hôtel Drouot, which was where all nineteenth-century auctions in Paris took place. He has also conducted research into the Verband der Museumsbeamten zur Abwehr von Fälschungen (Association of Museum Workers for the Defense Against Forgeries), which was founded in 1898.

He is currently examining the digital image worlds that emerge around museums, focusing on the social aspects of interfaces both past and present, and inquiring into the social changes that have been sparked by social media platforms. He is particularly interested in the question of how the future of digital museum communication might be shaped in the light of current data ethics debates about commercial platforms, as well as in relation to open science, open source, and open access.

In 2021, he was part of the open-source project cooArchi, community oriented archive interface,” which developed and published an interface for collaborating on networked knowledge.

His research focuses on photo archives, the history of the art market, and digitalization in museums.


Lukas Fuchsgruber, Dead End or Way Out? Generating Critical Information about Painting Collections with AI. In: Sonja Thiel, Johannes C. Bernhardt (Hg.): AI in Museums Reflections, Perspectives and Applications. Bielefeld: transcript Verlag. 2023 S. 65-72.

Byroum-Wand, Pegah; Lauterbach, Malina; Fuchsgruber, Lukas: Die Macht der Sammlungen / The power of collections. Tagesspiegel Supplement Berlin Science Week, Oktober 2023, S. 14-19.

Tyżlik-Carver, Magdalena; Lozana Rossenova; Fuchsgruber, Lukas: Curating/Fermenting Data: data workflows for semantic web applications. In: NordiCHI '22: Adjunct Proceedings of the 2022 Nordic Human-Computer Interaction Conference, 2022.

Lukas Fuchsgruber, Image Archives in the Age of Surveillance Capitalism. In: Moritz Neumüller (Hg.), The Routledge Companion to Photography, Representation and Social Justice. 2022, p. 351-357.

Lukas Fuchsgruber, Soziale virtuelle Realität als zukünftige Museumstechnologie? In: Vigia, Zeitschrift für Technologie und Gesellschaft, Bd. 1, Nr. 1, 2022.Lukas Fuchsgruber, Das Internet als Archiv und Museum. In: Anna Schäffler, Friederike Schäfer, Nanne Buurman (Hg.), Networks of Care (nGbK 2022).

Lukas Fuchsgruber, Das Spektakel der Auktion: Die Gründung des Hôtel Drouot und die Entwicklung des Pariser Kunstmarkts im 19. Jahrhundert (Paris: Éditions de la Maison des sciences de l’homme, 2020).

Lukas Fuchsgruber, “Digitale Vermittlung ohne Facebook und Co.” in, Themenreihe Digitale Formate, 2021. https://www.kulturmanagement.n...

Lukas Fuchsgruber, “Welche Spiele und welche Regeln? Eine netzkritische Perspektive auf digitale Museen,” Datenschleuder 104 (2021), pp. 11–18.

Lukas Fuchsgruber “Museum Photo Archives and the History of the Art Market: A Digital Approach,” Arts 8, no. 3, 93, (2019).

Lukas Fuchsgruber: Theories of the Art Market: Data – Value – History, ed. by Lukas Fuchsgruber and Thomas Skowronek, in Journal for Art Market Studies 1, no. 2 (2017).
