International conference – Kameruns Kulturerbe in Deutschland: Erkenntnisse und Perspektiven (Cameroon's Cultural Heritage in Germany: Insights and Perspectives)

Invitation to the international conference of the DFG research project “Umgekehrte Sammlungsgeschichte” (“Reverse Collection History”) being held by the Technische Universität Berlin and the Université de Dschangan, June 1-3, TU Berlin

Kam tagung poster


What practical and theoretical tools can be used to reconstruct the often violent journeys undertaken by cultural entities, so-called museum objects, from Cameroon to Germany?

In whose language(s) can the history of expropriation be written and what words can be used to convey the perspective of the expropriated?
How do we make it possible to reconnect with cultural heritage and history? And what are the challenges associated with these processes cultural entities have been present in Germany / absent from Cameroon for 100 years?

Together with international guests, the project group “Reverse Collection History” will open up a three-day discussion space to discuss these questions about the history and future of Cameroon's material cultural heritage.

New publication: Atlas der Abwesenheit. Kameruns Kulturerbe in Deutschland (Atlas of Absence: Cameroon's Cultural Heritage in Germany)

This publication will be presented at the conference “Cameroon's Cultural Heritage in Germany: Insights and Perspectives” being held from June 1–3 at Technische Universität Berlin. For the first time, the Atlas of Absence traces the invisible presence of Cameroon in German museums. At the same time, it examines the forms and consequences of the absence of cultural heritage in Cameroon itself. You will find more information here:

Conference location

Technische Universität Berlin Faculty Forum, Architecture Building, Straße des 17. Juni 150/152, 10623 Berlin

The public conference will be taking place in cooperation with the Embassy
of the Republic of Cameroon. The conference languages will be German and
English. Please register by May 26 at tagung(at)

You will find the program here: